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Witter S, van der Merwe M, Twine R, Mabetha D, Hove J, et al. (2024) Opening decision spaces: A case study on the opportunities and constraints in the public health sector of Mpumalanga Province, South Africa. PLOS ONE 19(7): e0304775.




D'Ambruoso L, Abruquah NA, Mabetha D, van der Merwe M, Goosen G, Sigudla J, Witter S. Expanding Community Health Worker decision space: impacts of a Participatory Action Research training intervention in a rural South African district. Human Resources for Health 2023 5;21(1):78.

Hove J, Mabetha D, van der Merwe M, Twine R, Kahn K, Witter S, D'Ambruoso L. Participatory action research to address lack of safe water, a community-nominated health priority in rural South Africa. PLoS ONE 2023 18(7):e0288524


Mabetha D, Ojewola T, Merwe van der M, Mabika R, Goosen G, Sigudla J, Hove J, Witter, S, D’Ambruoso L. Realising radical potential: building community power in primary health care through Participatory Action Research. International Journal for Equity in Health 2023 22(1):1-22​

​Cowan E, D'Ambruoso L, Price J, Fottrell E, Herbst K. Dataset: a consolidated and harmonised verbal autopsy dataset from health and demographic surveillance sites in South Africa. F1000Research 2023 12, 520



D’Ambruoso L, Mabetha D, Twine R, van der Merwe M, Hove J, Goosen G, Sigudla J, Witter S. "Voice needs teeth to have bite"! Expanding community-led multisectoral action-learning to address alcohol and drug abuse in rural South Africa. PLOS Global Public Health 2022 2:10: e0000323


D'Ambruoso L, Price J, Cowan E, Goosen G, Fottrell E, Herbst K, Van Der Merwe M, Sigudla J, Davies J, Kahn K. Refining Circumstances of Mortality Categories (COMCAT): a verbal autopsy model connecting circumstances of deaths with outcomes for public health decision-making. Global Health Action 2022, 14, 2000091. 10.1080/16549716.2021.2000091. 

Mattila P, Davies J, Mabetha D, Tollman S, D’Ambruoso L. Burden of Mortality Linked to Community-nominated Priorities in Rural South Africa. Global Health Action 2022 15:1, 2013599


Hove, J., D'Ambruoso, L. et al. Lessons from community participation in primary health care and water resource governance in South Africa: a narrative review. Global Health Action 2022; 15(1):2004730



D’Ambruoso L, Abbott P, Binagwaho A. Building back fairer in public health policy requires collective action with and for the most vulnerable in society. BMJ Global Health 2021;6(3):e005555.


Cowan E et al. Dataset: Verbal Autopsy data from Health and Demographic Surveillance Sites in South Africa”. F100 Research 2021. Accepted, forthcoming


Hove J, D'Ambruoso L, Twine R, Mabetha D, Van Der Merwe M, Mtungwa I, Khoza S, Kahn K, Witter S. Developing stakeholder participation to address lack of safe water as a community health concern in a rural province in South Africa Global Health Action 2021;14:1973715.


Van Der Merwe MS, D'Ambruoso L, Witter S, Twine R, Mabetha D, Hove J, Byass P, Tollman S, Kahn K. Collective reflections on the first cycle of a collaborative learning platform to strengthen rural primary health care in Mpumalanga, South Africa. Health Research Policy and Systems 2021;19:66.

Cowan E, D’Ambruoso L, van der Merwe M, Witter S, Byass P, Ameh S, Wagner R, Twine R. Understanding non-communicable diseases: combining health surveillance with local knowledge to improve rural primary health care in South Africa. Global Health Action 2021 14(1):1852781.



Oladeinde, O, Mabetha, D, Twine, R, Hove, J, Van Der Merwe, M, Witter, S, Kahn, K & D'Ambruoso, L 2020, 'Building cooperative learning to address alcohol and other drug abuse in Mpumalanga, South Africa: a participatory action research process', Global Health Action, vol. 13, no. 1, 1726722.

Witter, S, Van Der Merwe, M, Twine, R, Mabetha, D, Hove, J, Goosen, G & D'Ambruoso, L 2020, 'Verbal autopsy with participatory action research (VAPAR) programme in Mpumalanga, South Africa: protocol for evaluation', BMJ Open, vol. 10, no. 2, e036597.


Hussain-Alkhateeb L, D'Ambruoso L, Tollman S, Kahn K, Van Der Merwe M, Twine R, Schiöler L & Petzold M (2019). Enhancing the value of mortality data for health systems: adding Circumstances Of Mortality CATegories (COMCATs) to deaths investigated by verbal autopsy. Global Health Action 12(1):1680068.

D'Ambruoso L, Van Der Merwe, M, Wariri O, Byass P, Goosen G, Kahn K, Masinga S, Mokoena V, Spies B, Tollman S, Witter S, Twine R (2019). Rethinking collaboration: developing a learning platform to address under-5 mortality in Mpumalanga province, South Africa. Health Policy and Planning 34(6):418-429.

Hove J, D'Ambruoso L, Mabetha D, Van Der Merwe M, Byass P, Kahn K, Khosa S, Witter S, Twine R (2019). “Water is life”: developing community participation for clean water in rural South Africa. BMJ Global Health 4(3): e001377.

Byass P, Hussain-Alkhateeb L, D'Ambruoso L, Clark S, Davies J, Fottrell E, Bird J, Kabudula C, Tollman S, Kahn K, Schiöler, Petzold M (2019). An integrated approach to processing WHO-2016 verbal autopsy data: the InterVA-5 model. BMC Medicine 17:102.

Edem I, Dare A, Byass P, D’Ambruoso L, Leather A, Kahn K, Tollman S, Whitaker J, Davies J (2019). External injuries and avoidable deaths in Agincourt, South Africa. BMJ Open 9(6): e027576.


Thomas LM, D’Ambruoso L, Balabanova D (2018). Verbal autopsy in health policy and systems: a literature review. BMJ Global Health 3:e000639.

Thomas LM, D’Ambruoso L, Balabanova D (2018). The use of verbal autopsy and social autopsy in humanitarian crises. BMJ Global Health 3:e000640.



Brooks C, D’Ambruoso L, Kazimierczak K, Ngobeni S, Twine R, Tollman S, Kahn K, Byass P (2017). Introducing visual participatory methods to develop local knowledge on HIV in rural South Africa. BMJ Global Health 2:e000231.


Wariri O, D’Ambruoso L, Twine R, Ngobeni S, Van Der Merew M, Spies B, Kahn K, Tollman S (2017). Initiating a participatory action research process in the Agincourt health and socio–demographic surveillance site. Journal of Global Health 010413.

D'Ambruoso L, Boerma T, Byass P, Fottrell E, Herbst K, Källander K & Mullan Z (2017). The case for verbal autopsy in health systems strengthening. Lancet Global Health 5:e20-e21.


D'Ambruoso L, Kahn K, Wagner R, Twine R, Spies B, Van Der Merwe M, Gomez-Olive X, Tollman S, Byass P (2016). Moving from medical to health systems classifications of deaths: extending verbal autopsy to collect information on the circumstances of mortality. Global Health Research and Policy 1,2.


Hullur N, D’Ambruoso L, Edin K, Wagner RG, Ngobeni S, Kahn K, Tollman S, Byass P (2016). Community perspectives on HIV, violence and health surveillance in rural South Africa: a participatory pilot. Journal of Global Health 6:010406.

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